
Home: Antenna Tutorial
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The H-plane is a plane that contains the H-field and the direction of maximum radiation from the antenna. As an example, consider a short dipole, the magnetic fields are given by:

phi or azimuth component of the magnetic field

This states that in the x-y plane, the H-fields are horizontally oriented (in the x-y plane). See Figure 1 below.

fields from a short dipole antenna

Figure 1. Fields at a point along the y-axis from a short dipole.

The fields at a point along the y-axis are shown in Figure 1. The E-field is oriented in the negative z-direction, the direction of propagation at the point is the +y-direction, and the H-field is oriented in the negative x-direction. The direction of maximum radiation is broadside from the antenna.

The H-plane is any plane that contains the H-field and the direction of maximum radiation. Hence, the H-plane in this case is the x-y plane. See also E-plane.

Definitions List

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